5 Electrical Services Basics Myrtle Beach Homeowners Should Know | Myrtle Beach, SC

5 Electrical Services Basics Myrtle Beach Homeowners Should Know | Myrtle Beach, SC

Photo By choness at istock

Owning a home means you’re responsible for the upkeep, which includes everything from the pipes in your home to the electrical system that gives you power. The problem is, most homeowners don’t know a whole lot about things like plumbing and electricity, so it’s tough to know when there’s a problem or when electrical services are required. If you’re looking for a crash course on your electrical system so you know when it’s time to call a Myrtle Beach, SC, electrical contractor, here are five things every homeowner should know.

1. Circuit breaker basics

If there’s one thing every homeowner should know when it comes to electrical system basics, it’s how circuit breakers work. Circuit breakers are one of the most important parts of your electrical system, plus they can serve as an excellent warning sign that you’re in need of electrical services.

Each circuit is responsible for delivering power to a certain portion of your home. When one of these circuits is overloaded, it will trip the breaker and turn off power to that circuit. This often happens when you’re using several large appliances in a single room. To fix this, all you need to do is look for the tripped breaker and flip it off then back on again.

The thing about circuit breakers tripping is that it shouldn’t be happening too often. Your home is designed to handle a certain electrical load, and that takes things like appliances into account. If you notice the same circuit breaker tripping several times over the course of a few weeks or a month, that’s a good sign you need electrical services.

2. What to watch out for

Speaking of signs that you’ve got an electrical problem, you should know what to look out for as a homeowner. There are a lot of little things that can let you know you’ve got an electrical problem in your home, so make sure you’re keeping an eye out.

When the light switches in your home are in the on position, the lights should stay solidly lit. If you notice lights flickering at random times or if bulbs are burning out much quicker than they should be, you may have a problem with your wiring or electrical panel.

Outlet problems are another classic sign of electrical problems. If any of the outlets in your home feel warm to the touch, are discolored, or have smoke coming from them, that means you’ve got a dangerous problem and need to call someone familiar with the electrical aspects of a home.

3. When to replace electrical system components

As is the case with anything in your home, the components of your electrical system are only designed to last a certain amount of time. While wires and electrical panels can last for quite some time, it’s important that you know how long they should last and when you should have an electrical services expert replace electrical system components.

As far as wiring goes, you can expect copper wires to last about 100 years. It might seem like you don’t need to worry about rewiring your home, but you could be right on schedule for rewiring if your home was built more than a century ago.

Replacing your electrical panel on time is the most important thing you can do. Unlike wiring, electrical panels only last about 20 to 30 years. If you’ve been in your Myrtle Beach, SC home for a few decades, now is as good a time as any for electrical services.

4. Minimizing your electrical bill

One of the toughest parts about owning a home is keeping your home comfortable while minimizing the cost of monthly bills. The good news is, there are some simple tips you can follow to minimize your electrical bill and avoid paying for expensive electrical services.

Firstly, make sure you’re turning things off when you aren’t using them. You pay for all the power you use in your home, and you’d be surprised how much money you can waste by simply leaving lights and electronics on all day. When you leave a room, try to remember to turn off the lights and any other electronics.

You can also upgrade to more efficient bulbs and appliances to save on your electric bill. If you’re not sure what kind of upgrades you should make to your home to improve efficiency, an electrician expert can help you figure out the best course of action.

5. Identifying electrical emergencies

While you can wait to have some electrical problems fixed, that’s not always the case. Sometimes, an electrical problem puts you or your home at serious risk if you don’t get it fixed right away. Here are some of the most common electrical emergencies.

If an outlet in your home is burnt and discolored, that’s a sign you’re in need of emergency electrical services. Stop using that outlet right away and call a professional.

A noisy breaker box is another common sign of an electrical emergency. Your breaker box shouldn’t make any noise, so you should call an expert if you’re able to notice a noise throughout the room.

Power outages and fallen power lines are also considered electrical emergencies, especially if they’re impeding your path out of your home. Instead of trying to investigate or deal with the problem on your own, call a professional and stay far away from any downed lines.

We’re Here to Help

The fact of the matter is, it’s impossible for a homeowner to know all there is to know about electricity. If you want to keep your electrical system in good shape, follow these tips and call an expert when you think you may have a problem. For all your electrical services needs, you can count on Mister Sparky of Myrtle Beach. To learn more tips or schedule an appointment for electrical services, call Mister Sparky of Myrtle Beach at (843) 213-6610 today.

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