Get To Know Your Electrical System Better With An Electrician | Myrtle Beach, SC

Get To Know Your Electrical System Better With An Electrician | Myrtle Beach, SC

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Learning how your electrical system works will help you better maintain it and prevent damages. If you are able to read the signs of a faulty or malfunctioning electrical system, you can prevent a number of catastrophes from happening. By recognizing the signs of a looming electrical system malfunction you can contact a professional electrician before the malfunction gets worse. Faulty electrical systems can be very dangerous for the property as well as individuals who come in contact with it. If you believe your electrical system has become faulty or is on the verge of a malfunction, you should contact a professional and local emergency electrician right away. You should also have a professional electrical technician to inspect and maintain your system on an annual basis. This is especially important for properties with an outdated and worn out electrical system. If you are in need of a professional in the area, contact Mister Sparky.

Getting to Know Your Electrical System

Electrical systems are very complex and delicate systems that must be handled by individuals with the proper training and experience. Your electrical system has many different parts that connect and work together to provide you with power. The best way to care for this complex system is professional maintenance from an experienced or licensed electrician.

The Main Source of Power

Your electrical system must start with a power source. The most commonly used power source is from your energy provider company. Energy provider companies funnel the electricity from the plant to your home through means of a power line. The electricity can be funneled through underground conduits, however, this is the most commonly used practice for transferring electricity from an electrical plant to a home. There are other ways of getting electricity that does not require an electrical company. If you are interested in trying different ways of supplying your home or place of business with electricity, contact a locally licensed electrical company for more information and installation of an alternative electrical power source.

Alternative Sources of Electrical Power

There are many sources of alternative energy. The one most people think of when alternative energy is mentioned is solar power. Solar power energy has come a long way over the years and continues to grow. Solar power energy is strong enough to power production and generate power for homes. SOlar power energy is being pushed more and more by different countries in an effort to help the environment and produce renewable energy. Fortunately, installing solar power panels and incorporating them into your property’s electrical system will pay off over time in the form of a drastic reduction in energy bills. Solar power panels do have the tendency to degrade over an extended period of time. If you are interested in installing solar panels for renewable energy, it’s best you consult with a professional electrician first. If you live in or around the Myrtle Beach, SC, area, you should contact Mister Sparky for a consultation and installation of your solar panels.

Electrical Meter and Service Entrance Panel

If you are using energy from an energy provider company your house will have an electrical meter somewhere on the premises. The electrical meter is usually found on the outside of the house. The service entrance panel can also be found in the same area as the electrical meter. Your electrical meter is used by your energy company to calculate the amount of energy that is being transferred to your property. This allows them to accurately charge you for the energy you are using. If anything were to go wrong with this, your energy provider will most likely utilize the services of one of their own electricians to fix the issue. However, your preventive maintenance technician can inspect your electrical meter and service panel to ensure these appliances are working properly.

The electrical service panel is the connection between your home’s electrical system and the cables that bring that electricity to you, all the way from the electrical plant. The electrical service panel is usually connected to the electrical circuit breaker panels on the inside of the house. If you do not have this appliance or are not sure where to locate it, contact your local professional electrician for an inspection and information on how you can keep yourself safe at home in between preventive maintenance repair.

Circuit Breaker

If you are not sure where your circuit breaker is, you should try looking for it in your garage or basement. Circuit breakers are sometimes even placed in the attic. It is important you locate this very important safety device. Every property owner should know where to find it and how to use it for emergencies.

The circuit breaker cuts the circuit to prevent circuit overloads and shorts. Overloaded or short circuits can lead to damage in the electrical system, electrocution, to an electrical fire. This is why a circuit breaker was put in place. Once the circuit breaker detects an anomaly in the flow of electricity, it will break the circuit in hopes of preventing a surge or short to get out of hand. If your circuits are constantly breaking you need to contact an electrician right away. A constantly tripping breaker may indicate a serious underlying issue.


A circuit is like the veins of an electrical system, it allows your energy to flow through it in a controlled and concise way. The basic components of a circuit are the wiring, electrical load, power source, and switch. Circuits are fragile and must be installed perfectly in order to avoid premature wear and tear.

Shorted circuits, hot electrical outlets, finicky outlets, and flickering lights, are all signs that your circuits may be in poor shape. In order to know for sure, you should contact a professional electrician. Fixing faulty circuits can prevent damages, as well as save your life and property.

Your electrical system is a complex and convenient appliance. It is important to treat it with care and to be vigilant due to the volatile nature of electricity. If you live in Myrtle Beach, SC, and are in need of an electrician, contact Mister Sparky of Myrtle Beach for fast and professional electrical service.

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